Thursday, December 15, 2011

Not So True Friends

I am having one of those uncommon bad days…

Everyone who knows me knows I am always happy and smiling and making the best out of any and every situation, but there are rare days I get upset about something. 

Lately I have been struggling with what a “friend” is.  Some people say it is someone you generally get along with and relish their company. I think their needs to be a little more substance.  Things like respect, love, and trust.  Finding and keeping someone who is a worthy friend and will have your back though anything, I have been finding out the hard way, is no easy task. 

Saying goodbye to someone you have a lot of memories and past with is hard, but if they are only making you feel bad and not fulfilling their part of the friendship, then sometimes saying goodbye is a necessity.

Never let someone make you feel sad and down because of the person THEY are…always remember you are better and deserve more than that. Also, remember to always keep your integrity close to your heart. The saddest part to all this madness is the "not so true friend" most likely won’t miss you nearly as much as you will miss them! I say good riddance to bad so called “friends” and I am moving on with my life to meet and grow with BETTER people!

On a happier note, I am in love with this song and every time its catchy tune reaches my little ol ears I cannot help but start dancing!  

Hearts&bettering-yourself - Amber

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